The Fever King by Victoria Lee | Book Review

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I decided to pick this book up after seeing it on Bookstagram and then finding it on Amazon Prime for free – I could not have made a better decision! If I’m honest with myself, this book was likely a 5* read if it had come after anything other than Bridge of Clay.

The Fever King is a beautifully executed LGBT fantasy book following the (love) story of Noam and Dara. Their often volatile relationship is set against the background of a new America, one where refugees are deported with a vicious efficiency, one where a virus takes the lives of thousands and leaves survivors with magic abilities.

If you look past the wonderfully tangled relationships, you are then forced to face the question: how far would you go for the greater good? Alongside Noam, you must decide what is right and wrong, what sacrifices should be made, when you’re fighting for what you believe in.

I can’t wait to get my hands on the second instalment, I just wish it had been available on Amazon Prime too – but, rest assured, as soon as my bank account is willing I will be purchasing The Electric Heir. If you haven’t read this book already, I suggest you pick it up now!

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